“In 2021, almost 118 million Americans visited the sunshine state, the highest number of domestic travelers in the history of Florida,” the gov. tweeted. ‘Our fellow Americans know that, in Florida, they can expect great hospitality, sunshine and freedom.”
Florida is also the top U.S. destination for international travelers, as well.
While Florida was not alone in shunning vaccine and mask requirements, Ron DeSantis has successfully sold The Sunshine State as the beacon of freedom during the Covid pandemic.
In delivering remarks about tourism, for instance, the placard on his podium read, “Vacation to Freedom.”
A powerful video that was pinned to his Twitter page has also highlighted the powerful message that he gave about freedoms during his State of the State address.
While so many throughout the nation have consigned the America’s rights directly to the graveyard, the state of Florida has stood its ground as freedom’s vanguard.
“In Florida, we have defended the right of our citizens to work and make a living, provided our businesses with the ability to succeed, fought back against the unconstitutional federal mandates and made sure our kids have every opportunity to thrive.”
“Florida has become an escape for those chafing under arbitrary, authoritarian and seemingly never-ending restrictions and mandates.”
“Even today, across the country we see students being denied an education because of reckless, politically-motivated closures of schools, workers being denied employment because of heavy-handed mandates and Americans being denied freedoms because of a coercive biomedical apparatus.”
“These bad policies have been ineffective and destructive. They are more grounded in blind adherence to the Faucian declarations than that of the constitutional traditions that are the foundation of free countries.”
“Florida is a free state. We will always turn down the biomedical security state that cuts short our liberty, divides our society and ruins livelihoods. And we will always protect the rights of anyone to live their lives free from the mandates and restrictions.”
“Florida has stood its ground as the rock of freedoms. And upon this rock we will build Florida’s future.” (Gov. Ron DeSantis)
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