“There is nobody more fearful and desperate right now than Justin Trudeau from Canada,” Carlson said, before a graphic revealed the Canadian leader as ‘Justin True-DOPE.’
“Trudeau has used covid-19 to get around democracy in Canada and to stop organized Christianity there — Canadians cannot longer travel freely within their own nation,” he said after slamming Justin Trudeau for his lockdowns and restrictions.
The Fox News host shared some examples of the insane and unprecedented communist behavior by the Canadian government on its own citizens during the pandemic, including the arrest of a whole Canadian family. The offense was that the “dangerous family” was celebrating the New Year in their own home.
“Every institution in Canada pretends as though this is perfectly normal — it has always been this way! Canadian media, which are mostly controlled by the government, support these programs,” said Tucker, before highlighting the Canadian government is going further with criminalizing the freedom to express oneself. “In Nova Scotia protesting again Justin Trudeau’s mandates is now illegal.”
Canada might have some hope left in its fight against Justin Trudeau’s draconian Covid-19 restrictions with reporting by the Post Millenial indicating that most Canadian truckers and citizens wish to see the mandates stopped.
Tucker also mocked the liars in the media for making unsupported claims about the Canadian truckers’ protest convoy, including a story out of CBC which said “Russian actors might be continuing to fuel things,” or even plan the convoy itself.
Also mocked by Tucker was PM Trudeau’s love for dressing-up; the Canadian PM has been seen dressing as a cowboy and an American Indian among other things.
Also supporting the Canadian truckers is Donald Trump, who recently said he loved seeing what was happening in Canada. He said the truckers there were showing America something great. Perhaps hinting that American truckers should do the same.
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