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Biden Hit With Catastrophic News – Is This The End of His Presidency?

President Biden’s incompetence is being reflected in his disastrous new poll numbers which indicated that President Biden’s standing among Americans remains well underwater.

The president’s overall approval amongst Americans has reportedly fallen to just 37% according to a Democrat heavy Quinnipiac University survey. Meanwhile, a majority of Americans – 52% – gave him a negative rating.

An even more horrendous sign for Democrats in reference to the upcoming 2022 election, just 28% of independents gave the president a thumbs-up on his job performance, while 56% rated him negatively.

The Quinnipiac survey indicated that Republicans, by a 95%-3% margin, disapproved of how the president’s handling his duties in the White House, with Democrats apparently approving 80%-11%.

Biden’s approval rating hovered in the low to mid 50s during his first six months in the White House. However, his numbers seriously tanked starting in August in the wake of Biden’s much-criticized handling of the turbulent U.S. exit from Afghanistan and his horrific handling of COVID, opting to dish out tyrannical mandates which have done nothing but divided the nation further.

The plunge in the president’s approval was also compounded by the latest surge of migrants trying to cross into the U.S. along the southern border with Mexico, the rise in inflation, which has fueled a jump in gas and food prices, and most recently, the supply chain crisis which threatens to cause mass shortages of everyday goods.

Biden’s approval among the slightly narrower pool of registered voters was 40%, with 51% disapproving.

An average of all the most recent national surveys on the president’s approval rating compiled by Real Clear Politics indicated Biden at 42%-51%.

Only 38% of Americans hold a favorable opinion of Biden, with 50% seeing the president in an unfavorable way.

Opinions of Trump were equally as negative, at 39% favorable and 52% unfavorable.

Nine months removed from the White House, Trump remains very popular with most Republican voters and extremely influential with GOP politicians, as he continues to play a kingmaker’s role in party politics and teases another presidential run in 2024.

Republican support for another Trump White House bid has simultaneously soared to 78%.

Quinnipiac University’s leftist polling analyst Tim Malloy even noted that “support for the former president within the GOP has grown.”

Other findings in the poll included a 52%-41% margin of Americans say the country’s worse off today than a year ago.

According to a separate poll conducted by Rasmussen Reports, 58% don’t believe that Biden is physically and mentally capable of being commander in chief.

The survey asked, “How confident are you that Joe Biden is physically and mentally up to the job of being President of the United States?”

A full 50 percent said they are “not at all confident,” while another eight percent said “not very confident.”

In fact, only 27 percent said they were “very confident” Biden was up to the job of being president, while 14 percent said “somewhat confident.”

Rasmussen also asked, “Is Joe Biden doing the job of president, or are others making decisions behind the scenes?”

Only 38 percent believe Biden is making decisions, while a clear majority of 53 percent say others are making decisions for him.

Author: Mitchell Hyatt

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