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Globalists Move To Watch Everyone, Everywhere, All The Time

The World Health Organization’s (WHO) appointed members will soon vote on an international pandemic agreement and changes to the International Health Regulations from 2005. This would give the organization greater control over national emergency medical choices.

All changes will be legally enforceable under international law if this bill passes.

This whole debate starts with experts believing that COVID-19 exposed “significant shortcomings” in the global system for addressing epidemics. Asserting that the finest remedy for the future involves increasing the WHO’s authority by means of technologies such as vaccine passports, worldwide surveillance, and managing “misinformation.”

This vote is anticipated to take place between May 22 and May 28 during the World Health Assembly in Geneva. The assembly consists of 194 member states that represent 98 percent of the world’s countries.

It’s frightening to think how the planned changes might be implemented in a country like America, where “WHO is at the heart of it all.” Making the organization “the directing and coordinating authority on global health” more formal.

According to the agreement, the WHO wishes to develop its own official vaccination passport before demanding that all member nations “support the development of standards for generating a digital replica of the International Certificate of Vaccination and Prophylaxis.”

When the WHO has sufficient evidence that a pandemic is on its way, it will have the power to declare a “health emergency.” Leveraging their “large data” with member state surveillance systems to build “the most effective possible early warning and response systems.”

Non-state actors, such as big tech, would be compelled to comply as well. What could go wrong?

The spread of “fake news,” “disinformation,” and “too much information” would be combated by these systems. Any type of information that endangers public health will be addressed by member governments.

Non-state actors would be compelled to collaborate with governments and other global partners.

The fact that the World Health Organization may have the ability to declare health crises “real or potential,” is distressing in and of itself. As the group seeks to establish new “early warning criteria” for monitoring “national, regional, or global risk caused by an event of unknown causes or origins.”

The Biden administration’s worldwide surveillance and data-sharing strategies are simply the icing on the cake for a rapidly emerging Orwellian Nightmare.

In the wake of COVID, the World Health Organization (WHO) praised China for its action.

We’re already seeing the potential for that sort of dominance in light of the recent monkeypox outbreak across the world.

COVID-19 is starting to resemble a test run for how far unelected bodies might go in taking control, according to many people on Twitter.

Author: Blake Ambrose

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